… seeing our name in print. (My first Globe staff byline is above, under the illustration!)
I'm really proud of this page because it reminds me of the work I used to do with photo illustrations and graphics. Also, it was nice to be able to collaborate with the editors, rather than trying to put together something on my own in a few minutes.
Most importantly, I think this page, which was pitched one day and produced on the second day, shows that if you give me than just an hour to come up with something, I can deliver a compelling page. (Sorry, that was the speech I'll give to my editors tomorrow about the need to plan better.)
YYYAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY! You're famous now! Just don't forget the little people, now that you're a big shot. Love ya!
OK, so it's not up on News Page Designer yet, but maybe it should be, just so that people (and by "people," I mean me) can zoom in on it and see your name! In print! (And yes, these "people" are big nerds who check News Page Designer every once in a while.)
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