Three-fifths of the record-breaking group.
That's the number of people I had at one time in my apartment for a brunch on Sunday. That's a Boston record, folks, smashing the previous record of two. Those fortunate enough to be part of the experience — Jennifer, Patrick, Denise and Jill — will receive a plaque and T-shirt commemorating the historic occasion.
The number of days I was able to attend the Society of News Design's annual conference and workshop. The Sunday Globe prevented me from attending Saturday's events, but I enjoyed the Friday portion. I met a lot of folks from the Chicago Tribune, LA Times and NY Times, and some of them said, "Oh, you just started at the Globe, right?" (The fact they knew that was a bit shocking, until I read the announcement of my hire on a few industry blogs. But, still ... it did make me feel like a warm, fuzzy panda inside.) Many of the workshops I attended focused on new media and multimedia, and the idea of weaving together photography, video, design and sound is very intriguing. I have a few contacts to follow up on, if only to say how much I enjoyed their presentations.
The number of days I was able to spend with Jenn. Though it was her longest visit yet, it still felt so short. A few highlights included touring our friends around Boston; having a wonderful, romantic dinner at Taranta Cucina Meridionale in the North End; and, of course, our splendid day trip to New Hampshire.
The number of days until I return to Jacksonville. It will be a short visit, but it will be nice to see all my friends again. I'm going to lecture Bob Bohle's editing class while I'm there, too, which is always fun. My proposed lecture idea: "Selling Out: Abandoning Community Journalism for the Money and Supposed Prestige of Working at a National Newspaper, or, Photographing Middle School Plays Really Blows." It'll be a great lecture; there should be something for everyone!
The number of days until the New Pornographers show at the Roxy. Oh, how I love living in a city that draws musicians I actually like. Now, let's just cross our fingers can find a ticket to this sold-out show.
The approximate number of days until I leave for Chicago to be a guest at the Jackson family's Thanksgiving dinner. Work details are still being sorted out, but I intend to have Thanksmas and the day after to spend with Jenn and her family. And Chicago … oh, how I love Chi-town. The fact that Jenn's relatives live right in the Loop is great, because although I won't be able to do that much in the city, I'll still be able to take in its majestic skyline.
The number of minutes before I need to start walking to the subway. I should probably do … something … around the house.
7: Number of days until I get to see you again.
34: Number of weeks until I move to Boston!!!
Keep up the good work.
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