Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Hole in my sole

Boston's pedestrian life is fun and healthy, but it can be hard on the sole.

My Chucks and my Skechers.

Before Boston, the shoes above were getting close to retirement. They were 3 and 6 years old, respectively. But after a month of relying only on foot or subway, I rapidly expedited their entrance into shoe heaven.

My sadness is tempered only by one thought: Time to go shoe shopping! Clothes shopping is OK, furniture shopping is ... eh ... but shoe shopping? I actually love it. And if I didn't have as much will power, I'd own a lot more shoes.

But, mark my words, I will never, ever own a pair of these damn things:

Yes, they're all wearing Crocs. An obvious recessive gene at work.

More to come on this riveting story!


Minnie said...

Are you related to those crazy crocs people?

You should check out
They have some chuck-look-alikes that are made without sweat shop labor. The sweatshop five will thank you! R wants some, but I keep telling him that the sweat shop people need to eat too! ;)

Unknown said...

I had no idea you loved shoe shopping! Interesting fact: I also love shoe shopping. We could go shoe shopping together! And live shoe-shoppily ever after!