If only work was.
Production was brutal tonight. We had a huge section, 35 columns, and the copy desk, which is normally fully staffed by 5 p.m., was empty at 6:45 p.m. (A photographer said he was stuck on Morrissey Boulevard between JFK station and the Globe — normally a seven-minute walk for me — for two hours.) We produced only two editions, half of what we normally do, because deadlines were so difficult to meet across the entire newsroom.
But to me, the first snowstorm was a pleasure. There are few things as beautiful as the first snow, I've come to discover. The landscape becomes almost magical, and if you're all bundled up and wearing boots, it's almost hard to want to go indoors. I was in such good spirits this afternoon, and even though the snow was up to my calves at some points during my walk home tonight, I didn't mind.

The Common.

The Massachusetts State House.

The steps from the Common that lead to my neighborhood.

Joy Street in Beacon Hill.

… I'm so glad I don't have a car.

Joy Street.
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